  • Handmade rusks with paprika — 100g
    • Handmade rusks with paprika — 100g
    • Handmade rusks with paprika — 100g

    • 3,40 
    • Nutrition claims: Contains resistant starch 41.8% of total starch. High dietary fiber content. Health claims: Replacing digestible starch with resistant starch in a meal, induces a lower postprandial blood glucose rise. Nutrition facts per 100g Energy: 1581kJ / 378kcal Fat: 12.4g of which: Saturated: 3.7g Monounsaturated: 7.9g Polyunsaturated: 0.8g Carbohydrates: 50.2g of which: Sugars: 4.1g Starch: 5.5g Resistant starch: 2.3g Dietary fiber: 20.2g Protein: 6.3g Salt: 1.7g Contains resistant starch 41.8% of total starch suited to — Diabetics Pregnant and breastfeeding women Restoration of intestinal flora The…
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